Monday, January 7, 2019

I’m SLS Boi—Chapter 2

Five Months Later...

Supreme Leader McDabbysters went up to the grave of Chewbacca.
“Poor soul,” the evil McDabbysters said. “He disobeyed me—and paid the price.”
Then, out of nowhere, a random big chungus appeared.

“Oh, hi, chungus!” McDabbysters said.
Suddenly, the big chungus put on brown robes, its skin turned a more humanish color, and a lightsaber appeared from behind its back. McDabbysters was so confused as to what was going on, as the big chungus revealed a small bunker next to the grave.

“Get in!” The big chungus yelled, and he pushed McDabbysters into the bunker and locked it up.
“That should hold ‘em alright...heheheheh,” the big chungus said as he transformed into Wally Skywalker again.

“I used Polyjuice potion to look like an innocent big chungus roaming around!” Wally explained to himself, which was unnecessary but looked like he was explaining it to the viewer.
In reality, it’s because Wally made some bad social mistakes in his life and has no friends.

“Wrong fandom!” a random person said in the comment section of [insert famous YouTuber here]’s latest meme video.
“Shut it!” Wally squeaked. He then walked away.

Then, McDabbysters walked out of the bunker as soon as Wally was gone from the area, and McDabbysters now looked like a random big chungus himself for some weird reason.
“That should hold ‘em alright...heheheheh,” McDabbysters said and walked away as well.


I hope y’all enjoyed!...


1 comment:

  1. That whole “Chewbacca will come back from the dead and go after McDabbysters” thing from the end of the first chapter was a joke, if you didn’t know. Chewie is dead.

